The 7 Best Detox Teas Reviewed

detox tea Reviewed

If you are looking for detox tea, then you probably want to cleanse your liver of toxins or promote healthy skin. Research varies on the benefits of detox teas and even detox supplements, but naturopathic doctors agree on the benefits to help with environmental exposure, gastrointestinal disorders, and autoimmune diseases. What’s fabulous about tea for detox is it’s easy to make and often easy to enjoy.

Another benefit of tea is it comes with tons of vitamins and minerals that can not only stimulate detox but also help you stay healthy. You may have to play around to find out what teas you tolerate taste-wise as not all of the ingredients taste as delicious as chamomile or black tea. Burdock root is a common ingredient, and it tastes like dirt right out of your garden but comes with so many benefits!

To help out, we found the seven best teas on the market to give you the most benefits and value for your money. Now you don’t have to spend hours researching but instead can spend your time trying different flavors that suit your tastebuds. After, get some valuable information about the teas on this list and answer some of your questions.

The Best Detox Teas

Here are our choices for some of the best detox teas on the market today and why we love them:

1. Skinny Boost 28 Day Detox Kit

Skinny Boost 28 Day Detox Kit review

Skinny Boost 28 Day Detox Kit

The absolute best option on the market today for detox teas is the Skinny Boost 28 Day Detox Kit. First, this tea makes life easy and straightforward. Second, the tea can help to speed up your metabolism and may even help you lose weight all-naturally.

Inside the teas, you find a natural and vegan tea without gluten, dairy, soy, or GMOs. As this brand offers two teas, we will talk about the ingredients in both. The morning tea gives you green tea, oolong tea, orange peel, lemongrass, ginger root, dandelion, ginseng root, and garcinia cambogia. All of these ingredients taste fabulous on their own, and together they offer a pleasant taste. Do note that this tea has caffeine.

Next, the night blends offers caffeine-free senna leaf, licorice root, peppermint, fennel, orange, cinnamon, ginger, dandelion, and lemongrass. A quick note about the Senna is it can cause stomach gut irritation and work as a natural laxative. If you have a bad reaction, then stop drinking the night time tea or only drink it once a week or talk to your doctor before continuing use.

Skinny Boost claims you don’t need to diet to cleanse your body of toxins, increase your energy, or reduce bloating. All you need to do is drink a cup of tea in the morning and another at night. Weight loss can come in the form of tea bags that simply require a little hot water to start getting you healthy through detox.

2. Yogi Tea – Roasted Dandelion Spice DeTox

Yogi Tea - Roasted Dandelion Spice DeTox review

Yogi Tea – Roasted Dandelion Spice DeTox

Our runner up is the Roasted Dandelion Spice DeTox by Yogi Tea because of the rich flavor and health benefits. While you may not want to pull up some dandelions from your back yard and pop them in hot water, this tea has been properly treated and roasted to give you all the benefits of this potent plant. It really is more than just a weed to take down with the lawnmower!

As with most detox teas, this one comes with several ingredients. Inside each of the 96 tea bags, you will find all organic substances including roasted dandelion root, dandelion root, cinnamon bark, cocoa shell, cardamon seed, ginger root, clove bud, and black pepper. All this with 1,500 mg total to help you get vitamins, nutrients, and clean out your liver and so much more.

The massive amounts of dandelion include bone protection, high in vitamins A and K, cleanses the liver, fights diabetes, improves skin health, high in antioxidants, fiber-rich, acts as a diuretic, and prevents urinary tract infections. That’s just one of the ingredients from the tea!!! All of the other ingredients are equally safe and beneficial. Finally, Yogi Tea offers non-GMO ingredients, and this particular tea is free of caffeine, gluten, and it’s vegan.

3. Dr. Schulze’s | Detox Tea | All-Purpose Herbal Tonic

Dr. Schulze's | Detox Tea | All-Purpose Herbal Tonic review

Dr. Schulze’s | Detox Tea | All-Purpose Herbal Tonic

If you are looking for wild-harvested and organic ingredients, try Dr. Schulze’s Detox Tea. The tea serves as an all-purpose herbal tonic to help cleanse your liver and act as a digestive stimulant. It can also help to eliminate gas and indigestion while also releasing toxins from your body.

What helps this tea to cleanse your body? A long list of healthy herbs. Inside you will find dandelion root, burdock root, cardamom seed, ginger root, Pau’d Arco bark, cinnamon bark, clove bud, fennel seed, licorice root, juniper berry, black peppercorn, Uva ursi leaf, horsetail herb, parsley root, and orange peel. Each ingredient is not only safe but beneficial. However, the taste is eclectic and may not suit everyone with a few bitter ingredients that may be hard to swallow.

The tea is non-GMO, organic, and vegan, making it a holistic and wonderful tea to get your body in check. What’s different about this tea is its loose leaf tea instead of tea bags, so you will have to do a little measuring. You may even want to get a special tea strainer cup to help you brew the tea, so you don’t have to drink the leaves with the liquid.

To use, add 2 tablespoons of herbs to 20 ounces of distilled water and soak overnight. In the morning, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes, strain and then drink. You can even save the herbs and keep adding to get the most benefits from the herbs by adding a little here or there. While this tea is a little more work to prepare, you can better brew it to your tastes.

4. Tealyra – Calm Down – Nirvana

Tealyra - Calm Down - Nirvana review

Tealyra – Calm Down – Nirvana

Another option for loose leaf tea is the Tealyra – Calm Down – Nirvana. If you like chamomile tea, this is the option for you as it promises a more rewarding flavor. Also, the loose leaf tea allows you to adjust the tea to your preferences as compared to tea bags, which are pre-measured. Even better, the bag uses ziplock and foil lining to keep the teas potency for longer.

What you get is a detox tea ready to provide optimum wellness and combat anxiety with relaxation. The calming blend includes linden flowers, chamomile, fennel, cardamom, hibiscus, licorice, alfalfa, raspberry leaves, orange peel, rosehip, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and black peppercorn. Every ingredient offers massive benefits for your health.

Linden is a new ingredient on the list and a powerful one ready to promote relaxation, fight inflammation, reduce pain, act as a diuretic, lower blood pressure, help with sleep, and soothe the digestive tract. Chamomile is also beneficial for a plethora of reasons like fighting anxiety and depression, improve digestion, anti-inflammatory, fight cancer, relieve congestion, skin health, teeth health, and heart health.

All the other ingredients improve the effectiveness of the detox while adding rich flavor. Simply add 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons to 8 ounce of water and steep for 4-5 minutes. Not only will your body detox, but so will your mind leaving you healthy, happy, and refreshed.

5. Liver Detox Tea Organic SpeedyVite Cleanse

Liver Detox Tea Organic SpeedyVite Cleanse review

Liver Detox Tea Organic SpeedyVite Cleanse

The Liver Detox Tea Organic SpeedyVite Cleanse is also a loose-leaf detox tea, and it’s ready to support your liver and gallbladder. With all organic ingredients, this herbal supplement. Not only does it help with two of your organs, but it also aids in filtering and eliminating waste through your urine. Next, it aids in the product and storage of bile while also giving you more energy through improved liver function.

The tea comes with a shopping list of ingredients including roasted dandelion root, cardamom seeds, black peppercorn, cinnamon bark, burdock root, fennel seed, clove bud, juniper berry, licorice root, orange peel, Pau d’Arco bark, sassafras root, ginger root, Uva ursi leaf, horsetail herb, dandelion leaf, and parsley leaf. That’s basically all of the ingredients from the other teas combined into one loose leaf tea!

A serving size equals two tablespoons you mix with pure water and steep to drink. It’s organic, wildcrafted, and made in America. Your live balances hormone levels that, in turn, help all of your vital organs. It also helps to aid in your body’s metabolism and produces the proteins your body needs for health. Add this to your detox routines for added results with a taste customers love.

6. Traditional Medicinals Organic Lemon Detox Tea

Traditional Medicinals Organic Lemon Detox Tea review

Traditional Medicinals Organic Lemon Detox Tea

Lemon has tons of benefits for the body and even supports healthy skin and liver. Traditional Medicinals Organic Lemon Detox Tea uses a delicious citrus flavor to help you detox. This tea also helps with kidney function for a healthier you one sip at a time. If tea isn’t your preferred drink, this may be the one to help you ease into detox teas and gain the health benefits with a better flavor.

However, lemon isn’t the only herb in this tea, you also get all organic burdock root, stinging nettle leaf, cleavers herb, dandelion root, lemon peel, and lemon myrtle leaf oil. The flavor offers a bright, aromatic, and lemony taste ready to help you enjoy your detox. Also, the brand offers a detox dandelion tea and a more traditional detox tea with a little more floor flavor.

All of the ingredients are non-GMO, organic, and caffeine-free. These are also tea bags that make it easy to enjoy the tea without straining or measuring. Simply pour eight ounces of water over two tea bags. If you prefer weaker tea, you can use a single tea bag. Finally, make sure to squeeze the tea bag for the most benefit and drink up to three cups a day.

7. Triple Leaf Detox Tea

Triple Leaf Detox Tea review

Triple Leaf Detox Tea

If you have never tried Triple Leaf Tea’s, you are in for a pleasant surprise. The Asian Triple Leaf Detox Tea helps to cleanse and revitalize with purification herbs ready to support your defenses and your skin. Clear away toxins from environmental pollutants and toxins in smoke, air, water, and food. Overall, the tea supports the liver, kidneys, lungs, and blood from toxins.

You can increase the flow of energy, improve body and mind, feel calmer, and clean out your body. Add it to your monthly diet or even daily diet as a normal part of your health regime. Use 1 to 2 tea bags a day and pour one cup of boiling water over the bag. Let it steep for up to 15 minutes and drink. Get the most benefits by leaving the teabag in the cup while you drink.

Next, the list of ingredients has a few familiar ingredients, and a few you may not have heard of yet. The list includes red clover, dandelion, Asian plantain leaf, ginger root, Fo-ti root, schisandra fruit, burdock root, astragalus root, peppermint, cinnamon bark isatis root, Solomon’s seal rhizome, duckweed root, licorice root, Japanese honeysuckle flower, Tokyo violet root, lemon flavor, and citrus fruits. Wow, that is a lot of ingredients all without GMO’s and the promise of a lovely citrus flavor.

Buying Guide for Detox Teas

Before purchasing, you should check out all the ingredients, benefits, and side effects of detox teas before making a final decision. Only you know your body and what ingredients cause issues. If you have any allergens, make sure to check every label carefully. Take a look at the important factors and get some answers to your questions.


Let’s discuss the main ingredients found across all of the teas. If you have any allergies or sensitivities, you may want to more thoroughly research these ingredients and any not mentioned in more detail.

Dandelion – a weed with a flower that is high in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, cleanses the liver, fights diabetes, boosts skin health, and works as a diuretic.

Ginger – a plant that is low in calories capable of soothing the stomach, immunity-boosting, helps with weight loss, supports digestive health, and controls blood sugar and cholesterol.

Licorice – is an herb that helps with heartburn, leaky gut, adrenal fatigue, sore throats, and pain relief.

Cinnamon – is another herb and a powerhouse for fighting virus, infection, stabilize blood sugar, supports heart health, and helps with weight loss.

Peppercorn – is a spice that fights cancer, aids in digestion, fights diabetes, reduces weight, reduces blood pressure, and fights bacteria.

Lemon – is a citrus fruit high in vitamin C to enhance immunity, prevent kidney stones, increases iron absorption, improve skin, and boost weight loss.

Fennel – a vegetable in the celery family high in vitamins and nutrients that also lowers blood pressure, aids digestion, and helps you feel full.

Cardamon – is a seed that tastes great in coffee. It’s also an antioxidant, diuretic, lowers blood pressure, helps fight ulcers, digestive assistance, weight loss, and anxiety.

Clove bud – is a spice full of nutrients and a strong scent. It also full of antioxidants, kills bacteria, improves the liver, regulates blood sugar, and reduces stomach ulcers.

Orange peel – the peel from an orange is high in vitamin C and polyphenols. It can treat type 2 diabetes, obesity, and Alzheimer’s.

Burdock root – is a plant root with huge detox abilities. It can purify the blood, strengthens the lymphatic system, acts as a diuretic, heals skin, and treats enlarged spleens.

Purpose of Detox Teas

The main goal of detox teas is to flush toxins out of your liver and improve your skin. As you can see above, each ingredient has massive benefits for your health. Once combined in a tea, you get all the advantages without any pills to swallow.

Side Effects

Overdoing anything can have side effects. Doing a detox for a week or even a month is relatively safe, but drinking detox teas may not be the right option. The best option is to speak to your doctor, who is familiar with your medical health, to find out how long you should take a detox tea.

A few problems that can arise from overuse of detox tea include caffeine overload, increased bowel movements, including diarrhea and stomach pains. Other less likely complications can include heart palpitations (but mainly from ones high in caffeine), increased anxiety, dehydration, sleep disruptions, and liver damage.

Most importantly, do not drink any tea with Senna leaf too often as it can cause severe stomach trouble.

Questions About Detox Teas

What are the signs of toxic overload?

The purpose of a detox tea is to help remove toxins. If you have any of the following symptoms, you may benefit from a cleanse. If you experience constipation, bloating, gas, headaches, fatigue, aches, pains, nausea, belly fat, skin problems, food cravings, low energy, bad breath, and mood swings, then you may have too many toxins in your body.

Will detox tea help me lose weight?

Detox teas can boost your metabolism and help your body function better, which in turn can support moderate weight loss. However, you do need to maintain a healthy diet to get the best benefit for a healthy weight.

What else do I need to do besides detox tea to help clear toxins?

You need to eat a healthy diet for detox to work and drink water too. If the tea you choose has caffeine, you may want to reduce other sources of caffeine from your diet. The best bet is to follow a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, and proteins to help the detox work. Refined foods like white sugar and white flour can help your liver to stay sluggish. Also, avoid alcohol while detoxing.


The Skinny Boost 28 Day Detox Kit helps you to detox in two easy steps with a teabag in the morning and another at night. You can start to cleanse your liver with two tasty teas that can fit in easily to your health regime. Be careful with the nighttime tea and reduce usage if you have stomach issues; otherwise, this tea is ready to make your liver behave by removing toxins.

For more information about the health benefits of tea, watch this video:

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