The 7 Best Mass Gainers Reviewed

mass gainers Reviewed

Are you struggling to put on weight? Have you been working out with no marked increase in muscle mass? Do you envy large, hulking muscles on other people at the gym, only to be disappointed with your lean gains? You’re not alone. While many people focus on cutting weight as part of their workout journey, an equal portion of people struggles to bulk up. Not only does this slow your performance and contribute to lesser muscle mass, meaning fewer gains and less strength, it can also significantly drop your morale, making you feel like working out isn’t worth your time. While you may have reached for protein shakes and tried packing on the carbs, for some people the weight just won’t stick. That’s where mass gainers come into play.

If you find yourself struggling to gain muscle mass, or are fighting against a fast metabolism and low protein levels, mass gainers can give you the competitive edge you need to push yourself to the limits and see real results. Some mass gainers can help you gain up to 10 pounds in just a month with consistent use, allowing you to build those strong, defined muscles you’ve always dreamed of. But what are mass gainers, and how do they work?

If you are in a hurry, our pick for the best mass gainer is Transparent Labs ProteinSeries Mass Gainer.

What are Mass Gainers?

Anyone who has tried to bulk up knows you need to consume more calories than you burn to see real weight results. But for some people, consistently getting the right number of calories through your traditional diet can be hard to balance and ensuring that these extra calories don’t come from harmful sources like sugars or junk food can leave you feeling exhausted. Mass gainers offer you carbs and proteins, as well as additional calories and amino acids, in a convenient beverage form, allowing you to simply drink those extra calories and beneficial nutrients right down before and after your workouts.

Unfortunately, not all mass gainers are created equal, which is why we’ve gone ahead and found the best mass gainers on the market, so you can partake with confidence knowing you’re getting the best of the best. Without further ado, here are our top picks for the best mass gainers out there.

The Best Mass Gainers

Here are our top seven mass gainers. We’ve narrowed down our options based on recipe, customer review, results, and of course, flavoring, so you can be sure you’re getting the best of the best available.

1. Transparent Labs ProteinSeries Mass Gainer

Transparent Labs ProteinSeries Mass Gainer review

Transparent Labs ProteinSeries Mass Gainer

This mass gainer makes number one on our list hands down, and it is easy enough to see why. Transparent Labs offers a powerful bulking aid that has no artificial sweeteners, no artificial coloring, no artificial preservatives, and a gluten-free, non-GMO recipe that’s sure to knock your socks off. Their specialized formula targets both muscle production and overall weight gain, helping ensure that those extra calories go to bulking up your muscles, not your waistline. Each serving of ProteinSeries Mass Gainer features a walloping 53 grams of grain-fed whey protein, as well as 109 grams of carbohydrates and 750 calories to give your body that extra boost it craves. This mass gainer functions as both a mass gainer supplement as well as a meal replacement option for those looking to shed some weight while boosting their muscle production.

As with any supplement, the power comes from the ingredients. This mass gainer features organic tapioca, oat, and sweet potatoes to help provide healthy, natural carb options into your diet. A blend of coconut milk powder, medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), and creatine monohydrate help ensure your body gets everything it needs to bulk up and produce strong muscles. With a gentle sweetness provided by a combination of Stevia and monk fruit, you can rest easy knowing you are putting the best of the best into your body. If you’re looking to gain mass and build muscles, Transparent Labs ProteinSeries Mass Gainer is our number one choice, hands down.

2. Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Weight Gainer

 Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Weight Gainer review

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Weight Gainer

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Weight Gainer takes the idea of a meal replacement seriously with its wide range of nutritional offerings, as well as a vast array of flavor options to help ensure you’re not stuck choking down bland protein powder. This mass gainer is sure to pack a punch, with 1,250 calories per serving and a whopping 50 grams of protein per serving. The boosted 250 grams of carbs will ensure your body packs on the pounds and fuels your muscles every time you hit the gym, and with a blend of 25 vitamins and minerals, this meal replacement option doesn’t skimp on the details.

One of the most striking benefits of this mass gainer is where the protein comes from. Instead of some other options on the market that rely too heavily on whey protein, this mass gainer has a combination of milk, egg, and soy protein for a well-balanced recipe that helps you perform at your best, no matter where you are. With almost 15,000 customer reviews and countless satisfied customers showing off their increased muscle gains, there’s no doubting this is an excellent option for the bulking enthusiast.

3. Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein Powder

Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein Powder review

Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein Powder

This option on our list does fall into the under 500 calories category when it comes to mass gaining, but the benefits far outweigh the slightly lower calorie count. With a balanced mix of powerful whey protein as well as critical amino acids that can directly boost your body’s muscle-building powers, this mass builder can help you bulk up in no time flat. Each serving of this muscle mass booster offers 60 grams of protein, as well as a healthy dose of magnesium to help increase muscle production and reduce muscle fatigue, as well as speed up recovery.

If you’re someone looking to take your performance to the next level without worrying about adding too many calories to your daily diet, this is a great option to prioritize muscle building. As a bonus, this whey protein powder is perfect for use before and after your workouts, allowing you to supply your body with the nutrients it needs in one convenient location. With over 5,000 customer reviews singing this mass builder’s praises, you’re sure to get the results you crave with this incredible product.

4. Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer

Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer review

Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer

Packing 650 calories per serving, as well as 85 grams of carbs and 22 vitamins and minerals, Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer is here to help you get those gains in no time flat. Unlike some of the other mass builders on the market, this option offers up to 120 grams of protein per two-scoop recipe, making it an ideal meal replacement option, as well as an incredible way to increase muscle mass during and after each and every workout.

Worried about packing on the pounds? Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer has a specialized recipe that has less than 7 grams of sugar per serving, so you can ensure you’re only putting the best of the best into your body. With four distinct flavors to choose from and countless positive customer reviews, this mass gainer is sure to give you the results you’re dreaming of with none of the calorie counting hassles that come with traditional food sources. And with a balanced combination of vitamins and minerals, you can be sure your body is getting the nutrients it needs to perform at its best each and every time you hit the gym.

5. Dymatize Super Mass Gainer

Dymatize Super Mass Gainer review

Dymatize Super Mass Gainer

With up to 1,900 calories per serving and a baseline of 52 grams of protein, this is the mass gainer for the serious bulking enthusiast. Each serving of this incredible product features 10.7 grams of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) to help boost your body’s protein production and send your muscle gains skyrocketing. With a carb count ranging between 245 grams to a whopping 299 grams depending on the mixture, as well as countless vitamins and minerals, this is the perfect option to help ensure your body performs at its best. Vitamins A, C, D, E, and B6 all come together to ensure your body is fueled and well maintained, both while you’re exercising and while recovering, allowing you to rest easy knowing your body has everything it needs.

Thanks to an incredible formula that delivers consistent results every time, this mass gainer allows you to swap out any of your daily meals for a nutritional heavy hitter that will kick your body’s muscle production up to a whole new level. If you’re looking to have serious results, look no further than Dymatize Super Mass Gainer.

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6. BSN TRUE-MASS Weight Gainer

BSN TRUE-MASS Weight Gainer review

BSN TRUE-MASS Weight Gainer

With 700 calories per serving and 46 grams of protein, this mass gainer has more than earned its spot on this list. The BSN TRUE-MASS Weight Gainer’s formula focuses on a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein, to ensure that your body has the fuel it needs to create larger, stronger muscles every time you hit the gym. This protein comes from a combination of milk, whey, and egg white sources to offer your body a varied array of nutrients that will have you packing on the pounds in no time flat.

Like any good mass gainer, this product is packed with branched-chain amino acids to help encourage muscle growth while supporting your body’s innate systems. With a delicious recipe that helps you look forward to your daily shake, you’ll never find yourself under your calorie goals again. But don’t just take our word for it, one of the countless satisfied reviewers noted that, “This Chocolate Milkshake flavor of True-Mass is the best tasting supplement powder period. Not just the best tasting gainer, but better than any other protein or meal replacement of any brand.” How can you turn down a recommendation like that?

7. MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass

MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass review

MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass

This mass gainer gets bonus points for individuality. With a formula that specifically draws on beef protein to help boost your performance and increase your overall gains, this product offers an even balance of calories, protein, and carbs per serving. The true bonus of this product is that it is dairy, lactose, sugar, and gluten-free, making it ideal for anyone with dietary sensitivities that make whey protein a hassle to deal with. With a combination of branched-chain amino acids and nutrients to support muscle mass, strength, and recovery, this product allows you to pack on the pounds without worrying about taxing your digestive system or missing out on crucial dietary components. If you’re looking for a dietary-friendly mass gainer, this is a great option for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mass Gainers

Still have questions about mass gainers? Don’t worry, we’ve gone ahead and answered some of the most common questions for you, so you can make an informed decision about what’s right for your body.

How Do Mass Gainers Work?

The simplest way to put it is that mass gainers give your body added calories to burn, but the real answer is more complicated than that. By offering you a combination of carbohydrates, which your body can burn for energy, as well as protein, which your body can use to build larger muscles, as well as sustain your energy levels longer, you can boost your body’s natural processes to new heights. When combined with exercise and a healthy diet, mass gainers allow you to intake more calories than you could usually get from meals alone, allowing your body to have the fuel it needs to take on harder and longer workouts, without losing muscle mass. For those with faster metabolisms, the added calories allow your body to start storing body fat, as well as have the building blocks it needs to create larger, stronger muscles.

What is the Difference Between a Mass Gainer and a Protein Shake?

In general, the real difference between mass gainers and protein shakes is the number of calories present in each. Many protein shakes focus on giving you a boost in protein levels, while still keeping your calorie count low. While this is ideal for anyone looking to lose weight or counting their calories, it is not ideal for anyone looking to bulk up quickly. Mass gainers, on the other hand, offer you protein in conjunction with a high carb count and an even higher calorie count, allowing you to fuel your body for your next workout while still getting the nutrients you need.

Who Can Benefit from Mass Gainers?

Mass gainers are ideal for anyone with fast metabolisms, or who are looking to add on higher levels of muscle mass quickly and efficiently. Mass gainers can help you maintain a healthy weight while still increasing your overall muscle mass and burning excess fat. As with any supplement or dietary change, it is best to talk to your doctor before making any changes, as some people will not react well to swapping out a meal with a mass gainer or may experience digestive issues as a result of the change.

How Soon Will I See Results?

As with any supplement, it can take up to two months to see results. Consistent usage is the best way to ensure you get the most out of your mass gainer, and any protein supplement should be paired with exercise routines and a healthy diet to see the best results. If you have not seen any changes in two months you may need to switch to a different muscle gainer or may be better served to revisit your exercise routine or diet to see what works best for you. As with any health decision, it is best to consult your doctor or nutritionist before making a large change to your lifestyle.

Mass Builder Buying Guide

When shopping for a mass builder, the number one thing to keep in mind is the ingredients present in each option. While most mass builders will rely on whey protein or other dairy ingredients as a consistent source of both proteins and carbs, this may not be ideal if you have a dairy sensitivity, so it may be best to find another product that will work for you.

Your body can perform best when you give it good, natural fuel, and the same applies to any supplement you take. Ensuring that the ingredients in your mass builder are natural and sustainably sourced will ensure you get the best of the best for your body every time.

Keep in mind your caloric goals before starting a mass gainer, as it is easy to misjudge the number of calories your body needs in a day. Don’t swap out a mass gainer for every meal of the day, and be careful about running a calorie deficit while taking a mass gainer, as it may lead to vitamin deficiencies depending on the product you are taking and how balanced your overall diet is.

Finally, if you are stuck between two different mass gainer options, reach out to your trainer or a nutritional specialist to find out what will work best for you. As everyone has different body types, different formulas can have unique impacts on your body. It is always a good idea to consult with your healthcare professionals before changing your diet, and it can be helpful to keep a daily log of any symptoms or changes you feel while on the supplement to better track your results.

Remember: as with any supplement, you need a combination of a healthy diet and exercise to see the best results.

Why Your Body Needs Protein

Curious what role proteins play in your body? Check out this video below to find our why a healthy diet should consume plenty of protein (hint: it’s for more than just building muscles!)

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