The 7 Best Garcinia Cambogia Supplements Reviewed

garcinia cambogia supplements Reviewed

If you have heard of Garcinia Cambogia before then, you know it’s heavily linked to weight loss. Moreover, some people claim to lose weight without changing their diet or exercising more! Sounds great, right? Well, it doesn’t work for everyone, but it might work for you.

The active compound in garcinia cambogia is called hydroxycitric acid, and it has conflicting studies, but many people experience weight loss with this plant, including myself! However, there are a few concerning side effects and some people who should altogether avoid this for a different weight-loss option. We will discuss those effects, but first, let’s look at the seven best garcinia cambogia supplements.

Find out what makes this pumpkin-shaped citrus fruit so effective for some people. While it’s gaining a ton of hype and attention now, the fruit has actually been used for much longer in Asia. Stay on after reading about the best option and find out how long you should take the pills and everything else you need to know about this potential wonder supplement.

If you are in a hurry, our pick for the best garcinia cambogia supplement is Garcinia Cambogia Extra.

The Best Garcinia Cambogia Supplements

Here are our choices for some of the best garcinia cambogia supplements on the market today and why we think they are worth a try:

1. Garcinia Cambogia Extra

Garcinia Cambogia Extra review

Garcinia Cambogia Extra

The best option available for this particular supplement is Garcinia Cambogia Extra. While you will pay a little more for this supplement, you are paying for quality and effectiveness, and they have a return policy in case you don’t love the product. Even better, they ship out their product fast and free. You might also end up with a complimentary bottle of another popular supplement as well!

Let’s discuss the ingredients first. The two active ingredients include 1000 mg of garcinia cambogia from the whole fruit, and the second is raspberry ketones with 200 mg. As for inactive ingredients, you will only find brown rice flour, magnesium stearate, hypromellose shell, and Sipernat 22S (for anti-caking). Every component is safe, and the active ingredients are ready to help you shed weight.

A serving size equals two capsules, and the company strongly suggests taking two pills a day 30 minutes before a meal with a large glass of water. In return, you might get tighter abs, a firmer backside, and thinner legs. It works by suppressing appetite and preventing fat production. One bottle equals a one month supply.

The garcinia cambogia itself is a fat burner, appetite suppressant, and a mood enhancer all working in tandem to help you drop pounds. Raspberry ketones also help to burn fat through a connection with adiponectin, a hormone that regulates the metabolic processes. Finally, the company suggests you can lose up to 26 pounds in three months. Mind you, not everyone will see these high results.

2. Sports Research Pure Garcinia Cambogia Infused with Organic Coconut Oil

 Sports Research Pure Garcinia Cambogia Infused with Organic Coconut Oil review

Sports Research Pure Garcinia Cambogia Infused with Organic Coconut Oil

Another one of our favorite options is the Sports Research Pure Garcinia Cambogia because it’s infused with organic coconut oil. While garcinia can help to suppress your appetite, improve mood, and burn fat, coconut oil is a healthy fat that isn’t stored as fat and instead acts as energy. It also has a ton of additional benefits. Both of these ingredients together can act as a powerful weight loss supplement.

The pills come with garcinia cambogia in 500 mg doses with 65 percent HCA and with extra virgin organic coconut oil with 700 mg as the active ingredients. The inactive ingredients are also organic and include beeswax, sunflower lecithin, and the capsules made of vegetable glycerin, water, and caramel. Furthermore, the pills are free of all allergens except for tree nuts from the coconut, so check before taking.

Adults should take one liquid soft-gel capsule three times a day before a meal. With 180 pills in the bottle, you get a two month supply, which saves you money! You should get any jitters or other side effects from the lower doses. The company is also a GMP certified facility, and they offer a 90-day money-back guarantee. Lastly, some people may not do well with coconut oil, so watch for issues and discontinue use if you have any concerns or speak to your physician.

3. NutriSuppz 100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia 95% HCA Ultra 1400mg

NutriSuppz 100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia 95% HCA Ultra 1400mg review

NutriSuppz 100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia 95% HCA Ultra 1400mg

Another great option is NutriSuppz 100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia 95% HCA Ultra 1400mg especially if you want a supplement with unique additions to ensure your body can absorb the supplement better. First, though, this supplement offers the possibility of finding a better, healthier, thinner you. Get more energy and shed pounds so you can reach your goals.

As for ingredients, this supplement has potassium, calcium, chromium, and garcinia cambogia. Not only does your body need those first three ingredients, but they may help your body take advantage of the full benefit of the garcinia. Even better, you get 95 percent HCA (that’s the hydroxycitric acid), meaning you get more of what you want and less of the plant that you don’t need. The only inactive ingredients are the capsules and magnesium stearate (a flow agent).

The company suggests you take two gluten-free capsules once a day about thirty minutes before a meal with a full glass of water for the best results. Moreover, one bottle will give you a one month supply. Now you can assist your metabolism, lose weight, and even increase your energy levels all from an FDA registered faculty right here in America with high GMP standards upheld.

Finally, as with all garcinia cambogia supplements, these have mixed reviews as this particular active ingredient doesn’t work for everyone. Some only saw a drop in appetite and cravings but did not see weight loss. Others had massive success; the only way to know is through trial and error.

4. NOW Supplements Garcinia (Garcinia Cambogia) 1000 mg

NOW Supplements Garcinia (Garcinia Cambogia) 1000 mg review

NOW Supplements Garcinia (Garcinia Cambogia) 1000 mg

Most people have heard of the Now Brand Supplements, but did you know they make the NOW Supplements Garcinia (Garcinia Cambogia) 1000 mg? You get the same excellent quality you have come to expect from this high-quality brand, but you don’t get a high dose of hydroxycitric acid at only 50 percent. Other supplements above offer as high as 95 percent hydroxycitric acid, which is a significantly higher portion of the active compound.

Otherwise, you get a mid-range dose of garcinia cambogia extract at 1,000 mg and a 180 mg of calcium to help your body better absorb the supplement. As for inactive ingredients, this one comes with cellulose, silica, magnesium stearate, and vegetarian coating. The pills are manufactured without yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish, or tree nuts. Also, the pills are free of harmful ingredients and artificial colors too.

Now Brands suggests you take 1 to 3 tablets daily a half-hour to an hour before you eat a meal. If you take three pills a day, you would be getting 3,000 mg of garcinia cambogia, which is just over the safe range of 2,800 mg. Speak to your doctor before taking more than 2,800 mg a day. The pills are, however, GMP quality-assured and packaged right here in America. Finally, a bottle consists of 120 tablets for up to a three month supply, depending on how many you take per day. Mind you, not everyone reacts the same way to this particular supplement, and it did not work for many consumers, just like all garcinia supplements.

5. NusaPure Pure Garcinia Cambogia 180 Veggie Caps 1500mg

NusaPure Pure Garcinia Cambogia 180 Veggie Caps 1500mg review

NusaPure Pure Garcinia Cambogia 180 Veggie Caps 1500mg

The NusaPure Pure Garcinia Cambogia 180 Veggie Caps 1500mg offers a quality supplement that’s completely safe to help you slim down and possibly detox your digestive system and increase your natural immunity. With this natural supplement, you can lose weight by burning fat without risking your health. Like the last option, this one also only has 50 percent hydroxycitric acid, which is why they claim safety.

Next, the pills contain two active ingredients, including 1500 mg of garcinia cambogia extract and 99 mg of potassium to help you absorb the garcinia. A few inactive ingredients include the capsule made of cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium silicate powder, microcrystalline cellulose powder, and rice flour powder. What you don’t get is artificial colors or flavorings, preservatives, yeast, corn, milk, lactose, salt, sodium, sugar, gluten, starch, or wheat.

Furthermore, the supplement is made right here in America in a GMP facility without GMOs. The company suggests you take three capsules daily with meals. Most of the other brands suggest you take before food, unlike this one. You may want to talk to your doctor if you are unsure which method will work best for you.

6. Natrogix 80% HCA Garcinia Cambogia Complex Extract

Natrogix 80% HCA Garcinia Cambogia Complex Extract review

Natrogix 80% HCA Garcinia Cambogia Complex Extract

If you want to save money, then try the Natrogix 80% HCA Garcinia Cambogia Complex Extract with a higher dosage of hydroxycitric acid at 80 percent. The powerful supplement can help you to lose weight naturally by suppressing your appetite and burning fat. It slows down the manufacturing process of carbs and proteins, inhibits the synthesis of fat, and burns fatty acids too. You can slim down without breaking the bank!

The supplement includes four active ingredients, including calcium, potassium, and chromium, which are not just needed for a healthy body but help to absorb the 1,000 mg of garcinia cambogia. Moreover, the only additional ingredients include cellulose and magnesium stearate. With a minimum of ingredients, you get tons of quality and no fillers.

Finally, the supplement should be taken twice a day, about a half-hour before you eat with a full glass of water. One bottle of 60 pills offers a full month supply. Now you can safely destroy body fat, take charge of your cravings, increase your energy, and improve your health with healthy doses of garcinia cambogia.

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7. BulkSupplements Garcinia Cambogia 60% HCA Powder

BulkSupplements Garcinia Cambogia 60% HCA Powder review

BulkSupplements Garcinia Cambogia 60% HCA Powder

While the other supplements above have multiple ingredients, both active and inactive, the BulkSupplements Garcinia Cambogia 60% HCA Powder has just straight up garcinia. You won’t find fillers or even capsules! This is the supplement of choice for people who don’t want to or can’t swallow pills and prefer to take their supplements in powder form. You get the benefits without the additives, although some of the supplements have additives that help you to absorb the garcinia better, so keep that in mind.

With Bulk Supplements, you get just garcinia without sugar, soy, dairy, yeast, gluten, or additives. A serving size equals 500 mg with 200 servings in one package. Although, you can pick from multiple sizes to get more or less depending on your needs and budget and even in capsule form if you prefer. This means you can get the exact amount of the supplement you want for weight loss on your terms.

Get 60 percent of the hydroxycitric acid with this particular supplement and mix it in whatever you like to suit your tastebuds. You can put the powder in liquid, smoothies, protein shakes, or even food to benefit from the garcinia. Improve your mood, energy, and help lose weight with this natural appetite suppressant. Finally, the supplement has no taste at all, so you can enjoy without worry about the flavor and start losing weight.

Buying Guide for Garcinia Cambogia

While supplement companies like to stake lots of claims on this plant, garcinia cambogia does come with some risks and side effects. Before buying, make sure to read about the benefits and side effects. Then stick around while we answer a few crucial questions.


You know companies tout garcinia cambogia as a weight-loss supplement that suppresses appetite, increases energy, and burns fat from reading above. A few other claims associated with garcinia include reduced cravings, improved positive mood, and increased concentration. Others claim the plant can stabilize blood sugar, improve bowel movements, reduce joint pain, improve cholesterol, treat constipation, hemorrhoids, and even intestinal parasites. That’s a whole lot of claims, but the plant is still quite controversial, and most of these claims are backed by scientific studies.


Garcinia cambogia is also called malabar tamarind in Asia, and its become very popular because some people lose weight when they take it. The plant has a proven effect in helping some people lose weight but not consistently or as a strong contender for weight loss. On average most people can see a maximum of two pounds weight loss.

It has also shown an effect on lower appetite thanks to the HCA by increasing the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Basically, it makes you happy, and when you are happy, you eat less. It’s not effective for everyone, though, because some eat more when they are happy! A few studies have shown mild effects at reducing cholesterol and stabilizing blood sugar.

Side Effects

The problem with garcinia cambogia is it can damage the liver or even cause failure if taken for longer than 12 weeks. Other side effects include anxiety, fatigue, dizziness, and digestive problems. Because of these reasons, you should never take more than 2,800 mg a day without speaking to a doctor. Other side effects include a fuzzy or weak sensation, brain fog, fatigue, skin rash, lower immune function, dry mouth, and headaches. Not everyone experiences side effects, but if you experience even one, stop taking immediately.

Lastly, garcinia cambogia has a long list of interactions with medicine. You are probably sick of hearing it, but if you start taking this supplement, you need to check with a professional if you are taking any medicines. People on diabetes, asthma, allergy, or anxiety medication should not take this supplement. Also, the substance is not regulated by the FDA, meaning you should always use extra caution when taking for any reason.

Questions About Garcinia Cambogia

Does garcinia cambogia pair well with apple cider vinegar for extra benefits?

Taking garcinia with apple cider vinegar has shown some potential in boosting the weight loss benefits. Both help to curb appetite and help you feel full. ACV is considered safe overall to consume, but the two have not been tested together to show any possible complications. As always, practice moderation and talk to your doctor if you have any symptoms when taking these two together.

Who shouldn’t take garcinia cambogia?

Many people should avoid taking garcinia, including anyone who experiences even one symptom. Also, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, those with liver or kidney damage, compromised immune systems, those with diabetes, people with asthma, those with mental disorders, and people on statin drugs or blood thinners. If any of these apply, contact your primary care physician before starting this supplement.

How long can I safely take garcinia cambogia?

You should not take this supplement for more than 12 weeks, as this is the point where liver damage can occur via toxicity. The larger the dose you take, the sooner you should stop taking the plant. Wait at least three months before taking garcinia cambogia again. As always, talk to your primary care physician before taking sooner.


Garcinia Cambogia Extra is our favorite option for this supplement. It’s safe, effective, and does not go over the recommended dosage. Moreover, the formula features raspberry ketones, which help you to drop pounds. Remember to stop using any garcinia supplement at the 12-week mark to prevent liver issues or toxicity. If taking as directed, this supplement can help you to drop a few pounds by burning fat and suppressing your appetite along with giving you a little extra energy too. For more information on Garcinia Cambogia Extra, watch this video:

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