The 7 Best Thermogenic Supplements Reviewed

thermogenic supplement review

With countless diet pills on the market ranging from weight suppressants to “magical cures” that claim they’ll whisk your body fat away overnight, it’s clear the dieting market is overwhelmed by countless options professing to give you your ideal body. Unlike many of those questionable formulas that tout secret ingredients and chemical combinations that claim they’ll burn your fat away, thermogenic supplements can help you naturally increase the number of calories burned by your body each day, while suppressing your appetite naturally. But what are thermogenic supplements, and how can they help you get rid of stubborn body fat?

In a hurry? Our pick for the best thermogenic is Clenbutrol by Crazy Bulk.

What Are Thermogenic Supplements?

The term “thermogenic” broadly means that a substance causes an increase in your body’s natural temperature. What causes this jump in temperature is more important than the overall change, as your body burns more calories, which releases heat, thereby giving the products their names. Thermogenic supplements work in a variety of ways to help you target stubborn fat deposits while still maintaining muscle mass and reducing appetite. By using natural ingredients to increase your body’s metabolism while working with your adrenal response to release consistent energy to power you through even the most grueling workouts, thermogenic supplements can help you shed fat consistently over time.

Unlike diet pills that focus solely on restricting your caloric intake, thermogenic supplements help you increase the number of calories burned each time you hit the gym, or even while resting at home. By heightening your body’s natural metabolism levels, you burn through more fat even while resting, helping you target those pockets of stubborn body fat that you’ve been trying to lose for years. And when compared to many diet pills and fads on the market, thermogenic supplements are overwhelmingly safe to take, with little to no side effects, making them an ideal choice for anyone looking to lose weight and keep it off while still maintain a healthy body.
But what makes these thermogenic supplements work they way they do? And how can they help your body consistently shed pounds and keep them off?

How Do They Work?

Most thermogenic ingredients are natural stimulants. Before you get concerned that this means steroids, thermogenic supplements are legal to take and do not have any connection to anabolic steroids, which can cause serious issues with your body. Thermogenic stimulants include things like caffeine and appetite suppressors, all from natural sources like green tea, green coffee, and capsaicin. By tapping into these plants’ innate ability to stimulate your adrenal system and increase your stamina while helping you burn more fat overall, thermogenic supplements can give you that added boost you need to defeat unwanted fat once and for all.

By nature, thermogenic don’t necessarily have anything to do with the increase in body temperature they can cause, not directly at least. This increase in body temperature comes from an increase in your metabolism, which means your body burns more calories. By allowing your body to go through more calories, and by stimulating your adrenal system, these supplements can raise your internal body temperature (though not to dangerous levels by any means), and as such are called “thermogenic supplements.”

Like any supplement, thermogenic supplements are best used as one component of a healthy diet and exercise routine, as just thermogenic supplements alone are unlikely to produce the results you crave. In a 2012 study ( researched showed that thermogenic substances, including capsaicinoids (think hot peppers), could potentially increase the number of calories you burn a day by 50.

While this may not seem like a lot at first glance, this slight increase can lead to incredible results when paired with exercise and a healthy diet and could lead to you losing that stubborn fat. Thermogenic supplements can also work as a pre-workout boost that helps you keep steady energy levels through the entire day due to their caffeinated properties in some cases, allowing you to get more out of each and every workout and helping fight the fatigue that can lead to weight gain and muscle loss over time.

Of course, as with any supplement it is always a good idea to check with your doctor before starting a new supplement, as any supplement has the potential to cause stomach issues and minor digestive changes during the adjustment period, as well as a chance for interactions with some medications. Keep in mind it can take up to two months to see results with any supplement, and thermogenic supplements are no different. However, if you’re looking for a way to target stubborn fat at its source, thermogenic supplements may be perfect for you.

Best Thermogenics

As mentioned before, there are countless supplements and diet pills on the market claiming to be the ultimate solution for weight loss, so how can you be sure you’re getting the ideal product for you? We’ve gone ahead and searched out the top seven thermogenic supplements on the market by combining the best ingredients, most reliable producers, and most consistent customer reviews, to ensure you’re getting the real deal. So without further ado, here are the best thermogenic supplements for weight loss:

1. Crazy Bulk Clenbutrol

Crazy Bulk Clenbutrol review

Crazy Bulk is an easy choice as one of our top supplement producers for weight loss, muscle gain, and overall performance enhancement. Their supplement Clenbutrol offers you the fat-burning, thermogenic power your body needs to burn fat quicker and build muscles. By combining the powers of thermogenic ingredients with components made to improve your cardiovascular health and increase the amount of oxygen delivered to your muscles, Clenbutrol is ideal for getting the most out of your next workout routine with none of the unwanted side effects from steroids or other fat burner pills.

By pumping your basal metabolic rate (BMR) into overdrive, Clenbutrol helps your body use more calories while allowing you faster muscle building and faster recovery every time you hit the gym. With the added stamina boost from natural caffeine, Clenbutrol proves that natural ingredients are key to reinventing your body.

If you’re looking for the best thermogenic supplement on the market, Clenbutrol is sure to have you looking slimmer and stronger in no time flat, without any of the negative side effects of other pre-workout supplements.

2. Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout review

Instant Knockout is the choice for anyone looking to cut fat while still building strong, defined muscles. Developed for use by wrestling and mixed martial artists looking to hit weight requirements without losing raw power, Instant Knockout offers the fat-burning, thermogenic properties of green tea and cayenne pepper seeds, with the added benefits of glucomannan, an appetite suppressant derived from plant fibers. These ingredients force your body to turn to fat storage for fuel, while still giving you the energy you need to maintain your muscles, leading to a shredded appearance that is hard to fake.

Instant Knockout offers more than just high-quality ingredients and products in one convenient location; with countless satisfied customer reviews and testimonials from nutritionists to wrestling champions, this thermogenic is made for anyone serious about cutting weight. Unlike other cutting products, Instant Knockout doesn’t force you to restrict your caloric intake, rather it allows you to get the nutrients you need while helping you feel fuller longer between meals.

With a combination of intensive workouts and a healthy diet, Instant Knockout can help you achieve the body you’ve been dreaming of in no time flat.

3. Leanbean

Leanbean review

While there are hundreds of diet pills on the market, most of them target a male audience, toting the powerful effects of testosterone as a miracle cure for stubborn fat. While testosterone levels can impact metabolism in men or those with testes, for over half of the population adding testosterone into your diet will at best, do nothing, and at worst, cause issues for those who menstruate. Leanbean is the top natural supplement to help women burn stubborn fat without any of the downsides of testosterone-boosting fat burners. By increasing your body’s natural metabolism thanks to thermogenic ingredients, as well as suppressing cravings, Leanbean offers an invaluable tool to help you achieve your dream body.

While other supplements focus on forcing you to burn more calories, without considering food intake, Leanbean helps stop cravings at their source without forcing you to run a calorie deficit, which can damage your body’s metabolism. Leanbean uses a combination of ingredients to help you feel fuller longer while targeting those troublesome cravings at their source, helping you stick to a healthy diet and stick it to those added calories. Leanbean knows that certain hormonal levels can make losing weight difficult for those who produce estrogen naturally, and by helping your body reach a natural metabolic peak, you can get one step closer to shedding stubborn body fat without feeling roped into a fad diet.

While Leanbean sits securely at the third spot on our list, it is by far number one for anyone looking to burn fat without relying on testosterone-boosting supplements or unnatural caloric suppressant pills.

4. Burn-XT Thermogenic Fat Burner

Burn-XT Thermogenic Fat Burner review

If you’re looking to cut weight and build muscles quickly, this is the product for you. Burn-XT combines the power of thermogenic ingredients with the stamina-boosting abilities of green tea extract for a natural solution to stubborn body fat. On top of its thermogenic prowess, this supplement also includes essential amino acids that are crucial to helping your body produce proteins, leading to more consistent muscle development after every workout. By combining protein development with appetite suppressants, Burn-XT works within a healthy diet and exercise routine to help you increase gains without damaging your body, making it easily one of the top weight loss products on the market today.

One of the biggest bonuses to Burn-XT’s killer recipe is Bioperine, which was developed from black pepper to help you better metabolize any supplement you take. By including this in their tried-and-true formula, Burn-XT ensures you’re getting the most out of each and every dose, so you can be confident you’ll see results faster than some other supplements out there. And with over 19,000 customer reviews to back them up, it’s no surprise this is one of the top thermogenic supplements out there.

5. Vintage Burn Muscle-Preserving Fat Burner

Vintage Burn Muscle-Preserving Fat Burner review

While we wouldn’t go so far as to review this product based on its packaging alone, something is striking about Vintage Burn Muscle-Preserving Fat Burner’s old school aesthetic. Not only is this thermogenic appetite suppressant keto-friendly, but its specially developed formula also allows your body to burn stubborn fat without cutting muscle gain, allowing you to develop defined, finely tuned muscles without fighting extra fat deposits. With the caffeine power of green coffee bean extract and green tea extract, Vintage Burn allows men and women to cut weight without losing muscle mass.

We are always a big supporter of natural supplements, as you can only expect great results when you use great ingredients, and Vintage Burn delivers with their non-GMO, 100% vegetarian recipe that’s both gluten-free and keto-friendly. Take that, whey protein powders! Plus, by tapping into your body’s metabolism, you can rest easy knowing you’re burning fat the natural way without any fad diets or nasty chemicals. If you’re looking for a great thermogenic supplement backed by nearly 10,000 satisfied customers, Vintage Burn has you covered.

6. Genius Burn

Genius Burn review

There might be something to the saying “mind over matter,” and The Genius Brand wants to assure you that your mind is just as important when it comes to burning fat and getting healthy. Unlike many thermogenic supplements on the market, Genius Burn supports both your body and your mind, while still helping you achieve your goals. With ingredients targeted at helping improve your memory and brain health, while still providing the thermogenic benefits that help you lose weight, this supplement is ideal for those looking to improve their body and mind.

While many of the other supplements on this list are targeted at those looking to develop muscles and cut weight, Genius Burn helps you manage your weight naturally, while increasing your cognitive performance. After all, total health management is important, and there’s more to a healthy body than just your physique. By helping reduce stress and improve cognition, Genius Burn helps your body get better rest, have a faster recovery after each workout, and helps your body target fat stores for an overall improvement in your health you can’t miss. If you’re looking for safe weight loss that considers your entire body, Genius Burn is the right choice for you.

7. Nobi Nutrition Premium Women’s Fat Burner

Nobi Nutrition Premium Women’s Fat Burner review

With Nobi Nutrition, we’ve saved one of the best for last. As mentioned previously, many weight loss solutions fail to take into consideration the struggles faced by women when trying to manage their weight. Not only have studies shown that women experience stronger cravings than men (on average), but in many cases the testosterone-boosting supplements that help male athletes bulk up can cause unwanted complications for people who menstruate. Nobi Nutrition combines the powerful benefits of thermogenic supplements with an appetite suppressant to help you control your caloric intake while still getting everything you need to keep your body healthy.

Not only does Nobi Nutrition Premium Women’s Fat Burner offer you a proprietary blend of ingredients to help you get more out of each and every workout, while still losing weight and gaining muscles, it also includes a mix of sodium, calcium, and magnesium to support muscle growth and overall health. If you’re looking for a reliable thermogenic supplement to help you slim down without the nasty side effects of testosterone-based products, Nobi Nutrition has got your back.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Thermogenic Supplements Safe to Use?

The short answer is yes, thermogenic supplements are safe to take and have limited to no side effects. Of course, you should always consult with your doctor before starting a new supplement, diet, or exercise routine. However, thermogenic supplements are largely safe to use, so long as you are not allergic to any of their ingredients. Keep in mind that thermogenic supplements may not be ideal for those with anxiety or heart problems, as the caffeine can cause further issues with these conditions. As with any supplement, there is a risk that you may have slight digestive issues when first taking the product, but this should even out after continued use. If you are not seeing results after two months of constant use, talk with your nutritionist or your doctor to see if another product may work better for your weight loss needs.

How Long Can You Take Thermogenic Supplements?

Theoretically, so long as your doctor or primary care provider okays your use of thermogenic supplements, you can continue taking them as long as you need. It is worth noting that some studies show that capsaicin-based supplements may lose potency over continued use, as your body will adjust to them. However, green tea and green coffee have not shown similar potency issues. If you see a plateau in your weight loss on thermogenic supplements, consider changing your diet or workout routine before stopping the supplement, as it is made to work with diet and exercise, not despite it. Remember, everyone has a healthy level of body fat present on their body. Do not starve yourself or push yourself too far during workout routines to see unhealthy results. If you are concerned about your weight even after significant weight loss, talk with your doctor or a mental health professional to find out what is healthy for your body.

Buyer’s Guide to Thermogenic Supplements

The first thing to consider when buying thermogenic supplements is the ingredient list. Natural ingredients are preferred to chemical compounds, and many thermogenic supplements also include essential vitamins and minerals to help balance your overall health. Be aware that some thermogenic supplements also contain appetite suppressants, including plant fibers, which may cause issues in people with sensitive bowels.

The next thing to consider when shopping for thermogenic supplements is the target audience and expected results. Some thermogenic products are specifically made to work with high-intensity workouts, while others are for sustained, gradual weight loss. Consider your own goals before choosing a supplement and talk with your trainer or nutritionist before starting on a new routine.

Finally, consider your workout and eating habits before choosing a thermogenic supplement. If you are eating unhealthily and to excess, or are largely sedentary, thermogenic supplements may not provide enough of a boost to see real results. As with any supplement, these products are made to aid your weight loss journey, without replacing a healthy diet or exercise.

Thermogenic Foods

Curious what foods you can incorporate into your diet to boost your body’s temperature levels? Check out this informative video!