The 5 Best Post Cycle Therapy Supplements Reviewed

Post Cycle Therapy

Cycles, such as Prohormones, Steroids, or SARMs, are very beneficial for people who want to gain muscle and work on their overall physique. However, prolonged use of them can suppress other hormones in your body and cause them to falter and not work as efficiently as you need them too.

That does not mean that these cycles are bad for you or that you shouldn’t use them, it simply means that you’ll need to get your other hormones back to what they were before the cycle. A common hormone that needs to be rectified after a cycle is the testosterone found in your body.

In a hurry?

Performance enhancer cycles can be tough on the body, which is why you’re going to need an excellent PCT to get you through the recovery period. Luckily, our favorite – Rebirth PCT – is an excellent choice that has been used by many bodybuilders over the years.

It is the best over the counter PCT and offers you excellent and efficient hormone balancing effects. The most noticeable is the preventing of estrogen being made in the body, which in turn allows you to be free of the nasty side effects that estrogen can cause.

A particularly interesting fact about Rebirth PCT, and perhaps what makes it stick out from the other alternatives on the market, is that it can be used at any point, not just after a cycle. By doing so, you’ll see an increase in testosterone and therefore higher power, endurance, and muscle gains.

Testosterone is essential for the male body to grow and maintain muscle mass, so if it remains suppressed after your cycle, you’re not going to get the most out of your training until it returns to normal. Moreover, you may feel your mental health suffering if you do not use a form of Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).

Overall, if you don’t use an effective PCT after a cycle of performance enhancers, you may suffer from depression, fatigue, and loss of muscle mass that you had previously achieved while on the enhancers. A PCT is absolutely necessary for you to safely recover from a cycle, as well as maintaining your gains and hard work.

Best Post Cycle Therapy Supplements

Here are our picks for some of the best post cycle therapy supplements available today, and why we think they will revolutionize your workout routine:



The top of our list has to be graced by Rebirth PCT, a powerful anti-estrogen supplement that promotes lean muscle gains and endurance. This is the most popular and effective PCT that you can buy over the counter, which is a great alternative for Clomid or Nolvadex.

You can choose to take this after a cycle of performance enhancers, or you can use it on its own to heighten your testosterone levels. Using it on its own will optimize your gains, endurance, and power.

The dosage is six capsules every morning for one month, which one bottle will cover. You can use it alongside other Huge Nutrition supplements to further improve your performance. The ingredient list is full of helpful elements to prevent estrogen from being created and boost your recovery to reset your body to how it was before the cycle.


  • Very popular product among steroid users.
  • Prevents estrogen from being converted and created.
  • Can be used after a cycle or on its own.


  • It may take up to 12 weeks to work.
  • The dosage is six capsules every day, which may be a lot for some people.

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Power PCT has been scientifically developed with a whole range of powerful ingredients that strive to boost testosterone levels back to their original production, prevent extra estrogen being created, and keep your liver in the best condition possible.

Your recovery will be leveled out and guided with Power PCT, so that your comeback is not as difficult as it could be.

This all-natural formula aids your body’s recovery without adding extra chemicals or artificial ingredients into it. If you have any questions, you can talk to the world-class customer service, and you are protected by a money-back guarantee.

You get 60 capsules in one bottle of Power PCT, however, thanks to the scientific development that helped to create this product, it has been known to work in just three days.


  • Natural ingredients prevent putting potentially harmful chemicals into your body.
  • It helps reduce the likelihood of mood swings.
  • It can work in only three days.


  • Only effective after mild cycles.
  • The estrogen blocker may create adverse effects for women.

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InnerCues has created their version of PCT to be an extra-strong testosterone booster, while lowering your estrogen levels. After this therapy, you’ll see a noticeable difference in your mood and wellbeing thanks to the correct levels of testosterone, and the side effects of higher estrogen levels should be depleted.

Your liver will be supported after your chosen cycle, as well as your heart function and kidneys. This natural PCT is designed to nurture your body back to its prime while keeping your muscle gains and energy levels rising.

Natural remedies are mixed with modern technology to create this effective PCT that prevents putting artificial ingredients into your body. You take two tablets every night for four to eight weeks. It has been GMP certified to ease your mind that it is completely safe to use.


  • Extra strength hormone balancer.
  • Natural ingredients are used.
  • Supports your body while it’s recovering.


  • Only comes with 60 capsules, which won’t cover the correct dosage for the full eight weeks.
  • Customer service could be improved.

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4. PCT Xtreme

Iron Labs Nutrition PCT Xtreme - PCT Supplement for Men - 4 Week Course - Post Cycle Support Booster (80 Capsules)

PCT Xtreme is a supplement created by Iron Labs Nutrition, a highly renowned brand within the world of sports nutrition. The optimized ingredients list contains a variety of additives that will promote testosterone boosting, estrogen control, fertility support, and liver detoxification.

You’ll need to take four capsules for the first 10 days of this therapy, in which you’ll find 1 gram of D-Aspartic Acid. After these first 10 days, your dosage is reduced to two capsules a day which will reduce your D-Aspartic Acid intake to 500mg.

The dosage for this PCT will last for 30 days, and one bottle will last for this amount of time.


  • Supports fertility.
  • Made by a well known and trusted brand.
  • The ingredients list is full of optimized elements to level your hormone levels out.


  • You cannot eat food 30 minutes before or after taking these capsules.
  • A few users did not notice any effects on their body.

5. Growth Surge Post Workout Muscle Builder

Jacked Factory Growth Surge Creatine Post Workout w/L-Carnitine - Daily Muscle Builder & Recovery Supplement with Creatine Monohydrate, Betaine, L-Carnitine L-Tartrate - 30 Servings, Swoleberry

The Growth Surge workout recovery is excellent in aiding your body through muscle gains and fat loss. Training every day often gives your muscles little time to fully recover, which is why a Post Workout Muscle Builder is an ideal way of keeping your body on top form and preventing muscle fatigue that may cause your performance to falter.

Creatine is just one of the scientifically tested ingredients within this powder, which helps with your lean muscle growth, endurance, and strength.

Within a few uses of Growth Surge, you’ll see a reduction in fatigue and an increase in strength, recovery time, and muscle gains.

You can drink this with water every day, even on your non-training days to keep your body working and recovering. There are 30 servings per tub, with zero calories in each drink.


  • Aids muscle recovery, even on non-training days.
  • Promotes lean muscle mass gains and fat loss.
  • Four amazing sounding flavors.


  • May be too strong for some people’s stomachs.
  • Quite expensive for how much you get.

Post Cycle Therapy Buyers Guide

Now we’ve looked at the top five PCTs to carry out, let’s look at a few of the considerations you should think about before choosing the right PCT for you. Everyone’s body is different, meaning that different methods may be more or less effective for you, so it’s best not to just choose the first PCT you see.

You’ll need to conduct some research into your own body before you can choose the best option for you. After you’ve done that, you’ll then need to find a PCT option that best suits your individual preferences and needs. Using the below factors to make your decision will ensure you choose the best option for you.

Type of Post Cycle Therapy

As we mentioned, there are a number of different types of PCTs that you can choose from. All of which offer benefits and drawbacks, and each is better suited for different types of bodybuilders. Below we’ll look at the three most popular options for PCTs.


Clomid is very popular among bodybuilders, and it is actually a selective estrogen receptor modulator. Clomid is the strongest PCT available, so it is suggested that you use it after you’ve just finished a strong cycle that contains many different compounds.

As it is the strongest option out there, there are some pretty heavy side effects that are included with high dosages. Vision issues are one of the most common, with migraines and mood swings also being likely. For this reason, many people tend to steer clear from Clomid.

Luckily, Clomid PCT is only necessary when your testosterone levels have been suppressed incredibly low, so you may find that it is not the option for you. It can only be prescribed and lasts around 4 weeks, with the dosage being decreased after two weeks.


Much like Clomid, Nolvadex is a selective estrogen receptor modulator. A big difference between the two is that Nolvadex does not offer as many side effects as Clomid, however, it is just as effective for getting your testosterone levels back to normal.

It is important to note that Nolvadex can still offer side effects such as nausea, hot flashes, and migraines, however, these are not as extreme as Clomid. This PCT should last around one month and the dosage is reduced halfway through the course.

Nolvadex is considered one of the most effective Post Cycle Therapies, and therefore is very popular among bodybuilders. Again, this PCT is only available through prescription as your doctor needs to be consulted beforehand so that they can determine whether Nolvadex is right for you or not.


Unlike the previous two options, Arimistane is available to buy over the counter and online, making it the most accessible option and therefore very popular. You can find it in Rebirth PCT, which we talked about earlier in our list.

If you’re going to be going through a Prohormones or SARMs cycle, this PCT may be the best option for you as it works best for mild cycles. You take Arimistane for one month and it is very effective at blocking your estrogen levels from taking over.

High-quality Arimistane products that can be found on the market are often very effective ways of keeping the side effects from rising estrogen levels at bay, as well as increasing your libido, energy levels and muscle mass.

What Are Your Goals?

What you want to achieve from your PCT will also determine which option you go for. Below are three of the most common goals that bodybuilders want to get out of their therapy and what your PCT will need to focus on.

Maintaining Muscle Mass

  • Supporting testosterone levels.
  • Maximizing your workouts.
  • Reducing estrogen side effects.
  • Minimizing cortisol.
  • Getting the most from non-medicated anabolic practices.

Maintaining Bodyfat Percentage

  • Keeping estrogen levels steady.
  • Preventing body fat gain.
  • Maximizing your workouts.
  • Reducing cortisol.
  • Using non-hormonal anabolic practices efficiently.

Maintaining Good Health

  • Recovering your testosterone levels.
  • Preventing estrogen and progesterone levels from spiking.
  • Improving your overall health.
  • Increasing libido.
  • Preventing mood swings or depressive episodes.


Obviously you’re going to want your PCT to be as effective as possible, as you don’t want to waste a month taking something that is doing very little for your hormone levels. It is one thing for a company to advertise that their version of a PCT is the most effective at rebalancing your hormones and retaining your muscle mass, but we all know that some companies like to stretch the truth slightly and oversell their product to get more customers interested in them.

A good way to prevent being misled by brands is to check customer reviews. The majority of customers will be brutally honest if there is anything that they don’t like about the PCT, so here’s where you can get a feel for the effectiveness of the individual product. Just bear in mind that previous customers aren’t always going to have the same experience as you may have, so this may not always be the most credible results.

Unfortunately, there is no definitive way of measuring the effectiveness until you try it yourself. However, not all brands are like this, so provided that the brand has a good reputation and the customer reviews are generally positive, this can be a good indication of the effectiveness of the PCT.


Post Cycle Therapy often comes with a reasonable price tag so that it is widely available for most bodybuilders, so you don’t really need a budget to determine which PCT you’ll be able to purchase. All the products on the market are similarly priced and therefore you only need to think about the effectiveness of each one on your individual body.

Of course, the well-known PCTs such as Rebirth PCT are going to be on the more expensive side, so if you want to try the product most used by other bodybuilders, you may want to save up and spend slightly more money.

Having said that, there are other great products, for example, Growth Surge, that cost half the price of Rebirth PCT and therefore may be better suited for you if you do not want to spend as much money but still want to reap the benefits of a good PCT. While no expense should be spared when it comes to your health, as long as the PCT you’re going for is as highly thought of as a market leader is, it should work just as well.

Duration and Dosage

While most PCTs take one month to complete, some can take longer if the dosage is lower. All the options on our list are taken for one month, so they shouldn’t take too much of your time to complete.

The dosage is another thing to consider. It’s important to remember that all brands are different and therefore their PCTs are going to be structured differently. This means that while one should be taken consistently throughout the month, another could call for two dosages one week and only one the next. Make sure to read the individual instructions before over- or under-dosing.

Moreover, check when it is telling you to start the therapy. Some call for straight after the cycle, whereas you need to wait up to a month for others. It is especially important to follow the instructions of your PCT so that you don’t accidentally harm yourself or lose all your hard work from the cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you don’t PCT after cycle?

If you don’t go through PCT after your cycle ends, you may find that all the gains you achieved while on the cycle deplete and your body returns back to how it was before you started the performance enhancers.

You may also suffer from mental struggles thanks to your hormones being out of sync. You’re most likely to have more estrogen than testosterone, which may cause side effects that are not desirable.

Both your body and mental wellbeing may suffer or take much more time to recover after your cycle. After all the effort you’ll have gone through with a cycle, you should definitely use PCT to avoid the disappointment of losing all your gains.

Post Cycle Therapy Video