The 5 Best HGC Drops Reviewed

HGC Drops Reviewed

Do you have weight you’ve tried everything to lose?

Join the club. Or the gym. Or the 42% of Americans who were obese in 2018 according to a study by the National Center for Health Statistics at the Center for Disease Control.
But you don’t have to be obese to want to lose weight and maintain lean muscle mass. That’s why more and more people are turning to HCG drops as a solution.


Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin drops.

Yes, it’s got the word ‘gonad’ in it. Yes, there’s a reason for that.

Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin is a hormone produced by pregnant women.

Its job is to keep the corpus luteum – a mass of cells in the ovary – producing other hormones, mostly estrogen and progesterone, so that the pregnancy continues.

So what has that got to do with weight loss?

That’s where things get complicated.

Fans and users of HCG say that – alongside a strict calorie-controlled diet – the hormones help to burn fat.

The Food And Drug Administration (FDA) has approved HCG as a treatment for female infertility. It says there’s no substantive evidence that HCG aids weight loss. As such, it has yet to certify HCG as a safe weight loss treatment.

That being the case, two strands of HCG have developed.

A strand which still contains the actual human hormone. And a homeopathic, entirely hormone-free version.

The homeopathic version, it’s claimed, will provide the same energizing, fat-burning results about which the FDA is so skeptical. But without any of the hormone that’s supposed to do the trick.

Confused yet?

You wouldn’t be the first.

But here’s the thing: people keep taking it.

In fact, people swear by it as a weight loss aid, alongside the stringent calorie-crashing diet.

And if people swear by its effectiveness, facts become irrelevant. Laws don’t, but facts, yes.

If the hormone actually helps to burn fat – great, HCG is an aid to weight loss, and assuming no negative side-effects, should be certified for sale as such.

If it doesn’t burn fat, but people believe it does, we’re in the realm of the placebo effect.

With the homeopathic version, we’re almost certainly in the realm of the placebo effect from moment #1. Why? Because homeopathy makes a nonsense of everything we know about chemistry. So homeopathic treatments having an actual chemical effect is extremely unlikely.

The point which exasperates many serious scientists about all this is that the placebo effect – and so, homeopathic treatments – has been shown to have verifiable positive results if the patient believes the treatment is doing them good.

So it might work as a weight loss aid, whether or not it chemically works as a weight loss aid?

More or less.

So in a world without potential side-effects, why not give it a try?

Absolutely, why not? If there are no side-effects, you have precisely nothing to lose but your excess weight.

Unfortunately, as with any chemical effectiveness HCG might have as a fat-burner, the evidence on side effects is murky.

Some research has linked the hardcore hormone version of HCG with cancers, because it might, if it does anything at all, encourage the growth of androgen cells, which can develop into those cancers.

And more recent research into Covid-19 has found it hits men harder than women because it bonds well with androgens, which are male hormones. More androgens, more Covid-stickiness, more danger.

But complex legal position aside, people continue to take HCG drops – or drops that claim to work like HCG drops – every day. They commit to the strict diets, doing what they believe it takes to melt away their body fat.

Best HGC Drops

Here are our choices for some of the best HCG drops on the market today and why we love them:

1. Complex Diet Drops

Complex Diet Drops

The makers of HCG Complex guarantee weight loss of between 1-4 pounds. And they guarantee it whether or not you stick rigorously to the diet plan of 500 calories per day, and do some of their suggested exercises.

They also allow unsatisfied users to get their money back after 30 days, promoting a sense of there being nothing to lose by trying the HCG Complex drops.

At the very least, these are confident business practices which inspire a positive outlook towards the product.

Actually getting to the bottom of how the drops themselves contribute to the fat-burning process is tricky.

The diet, they claim, ‘unlock’s your body’s fat-burning potential.’


By starving the body of calories coming in. That sends a signal to the brain to start burning the calories it has stored as fat. Times of starvation after all are what the reserves are for.

So much for the body-shocking diet.

The company claims the Complex Diet Drops’ ingredients help this process by regulating imbalances in the body’s hormone production.

It’s a little more vague on which hormones the drops regulate, or how they do it. But it claims the drops help reduce the intense hunger likely with a crash diet.

It also says the drops provide a buffer against lean muscle breakdown while the diet does its work.

HCG Complex makes its drops affordable, with clear, easy instructions on how to use them. And the drops certainly have rave reviews from users too.

What’s in the drops? More than 25 natural ingredients, including Ginseng, L-Arginine, L-Carnitine, L-Ornithine, L-Lysine, and Glutamic Acid. How much of each ingredient, and precisely what each of them contributes to either the loss of body fat or the balancing of hormones, we’re left to guess.


  • 100% natural ingredients
  • No heavy exercise required – though exercising will probably boost results
  • Easy to use
  • Discounts for bulk buying
  • 30 day money-back guarantee


  • Degree, measurement and alleged potencies of ingredients undisclosed
  • Significant uncertainty on which ingredient does what

2. HCG Warrior Drops

HCG Warrior Drops

Warrior Drops are Canada’s most successful HCG drops, and have many adoring testimonials from their customers.

As with most HCG treatments, the idea is for a combination diet and drop regime. The diet shocks the system into fat-burn, and the drops regulate the body chemistry and prevent lean muscle loss.

Warrior Drops are more concentrated than some others out there, the idea being you can use them for longer and overcome things like aggressive hunger pangs.

Using Warrior Drops, the company claims, also ‘reset the metabolism’ on a higher level after the initial diet and drop regime. That way, it says, you avoid regaining the weight you’ve lost, because your body continues to operate on a fat-burning level.

There’s some medical dispute over this. Some researchers suggest that the sudden shock of treatments like Warrior Drops actually makes the body keener in future to hold on to fat deposits.

This in turn makes it harder to lose weight again, drops or no drops.

Warrior Drops are made in FDA certified facilities, and do contain the HCG you’re paying for. The downside is that a list of side-effects, including irritability, headaches, fatigue and sluggishness has been reported. Whether or not these common symptoms of a crash diet are unique to the brand is not reported, but seems unlikely.

Results have been varied. Some users report having put the weight back on almost immediately after stopping the regime. Others though, many who importantly stuck to the medically unhealthy diet for longer than advised, have retained their fat-burn and weight loss after the initial period.


  • Actual hormone-drops mean there’s a chance they work chemically
  • Short-term crash dieting causes the burning of fat reserves
  • Muscle mass is maintained, supposedly by the hormone drops
  • Some users achieve good results with the drops


  • Results are inconsistent
  • The treatment depends on system-shock

3. Nu Image

Nu Image

Nu Image provides what it calls top quality HCG drops – and charges top quality prices for them.

Certainly as far as delivery methods are concerned, you get a more business class service from Nu Image – it offers HCG in drops, pellets and injection form. That speaks to its legitimacy, the FDA approves of the hormone in an injectable form as a treatment for infertility.

Drops and pellets are the ‘supplemental’ variety of HCG. The company also has a choice of two different diet plans, depending on how much the user wants to lose over what space of time.

It’s this level of diversification and choice that gives Nu Image its distinct place in the market.

In terms of ingredients too, there’s a certain clinical purity about the Nu Image product. It’s merely honest-to-goodness HCG with a dash of vitamin B12, and not a healing herb in sight.

The whole point of an HCG ‘drops and diet’ regime is to shock the system into burning fat. But the level of choice and customization of the Nu Image experience gives users some sense of control over the process.

That can be important when you’re embarking on a crash diet, where control can feel like the last thing you have.

There’s little control in the Nu Image policy though – there’s no money-back guarantee and no refund once you’ve made your choice. So be sure you want to go the Nu Image route before you lay out a lot of cash for the pure stuff.


  • Variety of HCG delivery options
  • Two choices of diet plan for gentle or intense results
  • Users report rapid results
  • Pure HCG hormone, with additional B12


  • No money-back guarantee
  • Price
  • Some users report dizziness on the Nu Image regime

4. HCG Triumph

HCG Triumph

HCG Triumph is an oddity in the world of HCG drops. Where some, like Nu Image, pride themselves on straightforward delivery of relatively pure HCG, HCG Triumph seems to rely on a degree of ritual in taking the drops. It’s also much less pure HCG than some other drops on the market, though it does at least contain some actual HCG along with Glycine, Arginine, L-Carnitine, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Lysine, Calcarea Carbonica, Omithine, Phosphorus, and Ammonium Carbonicum.

That said, it’s one of the senior players in the market, having been around for years and built up an army of loyal users and fans. It’s also gained a reputation for safety and effectiveness.

That ritual? Drip 8 to 10 drops of HCG Triumph under your tongue. DO NOT SWALLOW – it needs five minutes to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Avoid eating or drinking anything for ten minutes before and after you take the Triumph.

HCG Triumph bridges a gap between the dubious chemical effect of HCG as a hormone regulator for a crash diet and a homeopathic treatment where doing things in a certain way bolsters belief in the product. As such, it’s gained fans from both schools for its approach to HCG fat-burning.


  • Contains actual HCG to deliver a chemical effect
  • Claims to increase the body’s metabolism
  • Option of 26-day or 40-day plan kit for different levels of effect
  • Money-back guarantee


  • Product not evaluated by FDA
  • No guarantee it will work for everyone
  • Side effects including headaches have been noted

5. Official HCG Drops

Official HCG Drops

Official HCG Diet Drops is a ‘homeopathic HCG drop.’

While acknowledging its purely homeopathic nature, it nevertheless promises it can accelerate weight loss by charging up your metabolism and boosting your energy levels.

The trick of course is believing that it can.

To that end, Official comes with its own diet, weight loss log in which you can record your weight loss, and even a recipe book.

The homeopathic HCG – which by definition is water with a long-distant microbe of HCG diffused through it – is enriched with Vitamin B 12, natrum phosphate, and magnesium phosphate. Taking a cue from the likes of Nu Image, the drops are available in four levels, from a 15-day program all the way up to a 90-day program.

To get maximum results, the manufacturers say you should strictly follow the 500 calorie diet plan. It’s up to you to decide what the non-hormone hormone drops are contributing to any weight loss the strict diet might be giving you.

On the upside, the manufacturer does stand by its homeopathic principles. If the product doesn’t work for you within seven days, the company offers you not just your money back, but an extra $10.


  • None of the potential health risks of actual hormone drops
  • Many positive reviews from users
  • 90-day money-back guarantee
  • Additional $10 if it doesn’t work within 7 days
  • Diet support and recipe book


  • Little information on how it’s supposed to do the things it claims to do
  • Limited third party scrutiny or reviewing leaves its validity open to attack

HGC Drops Buyers Guide

There are reasons not to buy HCG drops as a weight loss aid. The FDA has yet to approve the hormone for that purpose, claiming there’s no substantive evidence it works, and some evidence it may be harmful.

If you’re going to do it though, there are questions to ask before you buy.

Hormone or Homeopathy

Decide which way you’re going to go – with the hardcore hormonal version of HCG drops, or with a homeopathic placebo. With a hormonal version, there’s a chance it’s actually doing what it’s claimed to do – balancing hormones in the body – even if manufacturers are vague on how it might be doing it. But with that comes the chance that the side-effects about which the FDA vaguely warns might also be a reality.

With a homeopathic version, you’re safe from any chemical consequences, precisely because the drops are doing nothing chemical in your body. But that means you’re depending on the placebo effect to get you through a very severe low calorie diet.

Trust or Refunds

Products like this are unapproved. They all include a severe diet regime. And then they bolster the diet with drops which may or may not stop the loss of lean muscle tone. That means you have a choice.

Do you trust wholeheartedly in the process, go for hardcore hormones like Nu Image, and lose any chance of getting your money back? Or do you hedge your bets and claim the refund if the unapproved process doesn’t give you the results you’re looking for?

Perversely, whether it works chemically or not, there’s an argument for going all in. If nothing else, a positive attitude will help you through the sudden chance of a a severe diet. And if the placebo effect plays a part, believing in it will actually help it work more.

On the other hand, if a product doesn’t work for you, in most circumstances you’d expect a refund. Why would this be any different?

Frequently Asked Questions

How can HCG diets and drops help me lose weight?

The diets are always fairly extreme, which stimulate the body into using its existing fat reserves for fuel. You’re essentially starving – with all the unsafe consequences that implies. The HCG drops are reputed, though not proven, to balance out hormones in the body and prevent you from losing lean muscle mass.

The FDA remains entirely sceptical on this.

Are there side-effects to taking HCG drops?

That depends which kind you take. There are side-effects from sudden crash diets across the board, including irritability, headache, drowsiness, listlessness etc. Intense, hormone-filled HCG drops may have side-effects, though in the short term they might be indistinguishable from those of the diet.

Longer term, there are concerns they might promote cancer growth by increasing the number of androgen cells in the body. Homeopathic HCG drops are likely to contain only miniscule amounts of HCG, if any, so the likelihood of any side-effects seems extremely unlikely.

Can I get the same effects by just following the strict calorie-controlled diet as I can by taking HCG drops?

It’s difficult to say with clarity, as a lot of the science surrounding HCG as a weight loss aid is murky. The best answer is that based on objective evidence, you probably can.

But plenty of drop-users will tell you you’ll lose lean muscle mass if you neglect the HCG drops as part of the process.

HGC Drops Video